Educational Visits
Educational visits enable us to enhance, develop and extend our connected curriculum.
A key question we ask when deciding upon a visit is:
What difference will the educational visit make to the children in our care?
We view every visit as an experience for the pupils and an opportunity for them to develop. All experiences are risked assessed and we adhere to rigorous health and safety requirements.
Here are just some of the educational visits the children currently access:
- Butser Farm (Year 3)
- Big Night In (Year 3)
- Hooke Court Residential (Year 4)
- Marwell Zoo (Year 4)
- The Big Camp - overnight camp on school grounds (Year 5)
- Water Sports Day - The Quays, Mytchett (Year 5)
- PGL Residential - 5 days (Year 6)
- Wisley Gardens (Year 6)
Every trip is reviewed and we do not always do the same trips every year. We aim to balance learning experiences with affordability and impact.
All visits are highly focused and enable the pupils to live our vision and excel!
"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself"